22nd DAN-Seminar IFK Switzerland Kyokushinkai

The 22nd, annual black belt seminar took place on Saturday, January 8th, in the Dojo of the Karate Club Wohlen. This first event of 2022 was participated by 37 Yudansha’s from IFK-Switzerland Kyokushinkai.

Sensei Piotr Szeligowski, 4th DAN, was responsible for the seminar topic "Exercises with the Resistance Band".

Sensei Piotr did an excellent job of teaching the seminar topic with his enormous experience in informative way and thus explained the "link" between theory and practice clearly and understandable.

Many thanks to Sensei Piotr for the very informative hours.

 Further thanks to all seminar participants for their excellent discipline, so that we could hold this seminar with the Covid-rules. 

 OSU, IFK Switzerland Kyokushinkai